Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A is for Absent.

That's what I've been for a loong time. Life caught up with me and I'm slowly adjusting to the workload.
Both of the girls just got over a horrible cold. We've been looking for a new job for Hubby, the hours for this one are ridiculous. There have been family functions, and spending time with good friends. Things have been so busy.
I love it.
I love spending time with friends and family, getting lost in the moment and not leaving til late at night. I love catching up over coffee or a nice long walk. I've missed these amazing people and I am working to make sure I don't neglect them again.
I've also gained some new people in my life, and I'm glad that I'm getting to know them all better. Its nice to be part of something, and feel welcome. I like that they love my kids too, its hard to be around people who don't accept our whole family as a package deal.

Now for some picture spam, because it's been a while and I have lots of cute ones.

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