I'm Bree, or Breeann if you're my mom. I'm a 23 year old stay at home mom of two beautiful girls. I come from a (recently) big family. I'm the second youngest of four daughters, although I was raised as an only child. Found two out of the missing three sisters, so I think that puts me ahead in the game.

I play with fire on a fairly regular basis. Really, I spin fire staff, which is the best thing ever, you should try!
I met my wonderful husband when I was 14, but it took 6 years for us to get together. Actually, we only spent time together one day and it took those six years for us to finally cross paths again, but thats a whole post in itself. We were married March 13th, 2010. And yes, if you're counting that is 14 months AFTER our daughter was born. So we're not so much on the old fashioned thing, sue us.
My daughters are my everything. Helene, at two years old is my eldest and boy does she have personality in spades. She's opinionated, wild and the cutest little turkey you'll ever meet. Even though she's not actually a turkey.
Miss Emma is the itty baby. She's exclusively breastfed and I'm loving it. She is such a calm, happy baby until 11pm and then she hates everything.
I wouldn't give up this life for anything in the world. Its mine and I love it.