I love that you recognize who your family is and get very excited anytime you catch someone in your view. You are even starting to realize that big black fur ball with a wet tongue is part of the family too, and that you actually like her. Whenever Daddy walks by you smile and yell for him to come closer and the wiggle until he picks you up. You tell him stories and listen to him sing. You guys love to "fly" together too.
Your grip is getting so good, you can hold most things we give you for at least a few seconds or so. And you have really fallen in love with your sister's stuffed puppy. I'm not sure how we're going to tell her that it has become your favorite thing to snuggle, besides Mom and Dad. I'm sure some other stuffed animal will make it all better.
You talk! Oh boy do you talk. Better then your sister did at this age and she has always been a noisy thing. You love to talk to everything and everyone you can.
You have really taken to babywearing, and love your Ergo very much. Mommy is hoping to figure out how you use the Hotsling she got when your sister was little but never used. I'm thinking now that you have decent head control you might like to be in it. And then maybe you'll let me get more done around the house.
Everyone comments on how content a child you are. You are relaxed and happy no matter where we are, or what is going on around you. You love to smile and coo at anyone who happens to come talk to you.
The only thing that makes you unhappy is hunger. Boy do you hate to wait for your food. When we are out in public you hate the blanket over you, even though it is really only covering the back of your head. Normally you'll just snack every now and then and wait to really eat for when we are home. Your sister is like this about table food also, so I'm not sure that its just because of the cover.
This month we have an ultrasound to check your hip for hip dysplasia. I'm not so worried about it as it seems you have good use of that side, but we are checking just to be safe.
You are growing so fast its hard to believe.
the pink hair bow is so cute :)
ReplyDeletemy son hates a blanket over him in public. He tries to take it off every time.