Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Happy two months baby!

You've grown so much in such a short amount of time. You went from this tiny little baby so helpless and new, to this chubby little sausage of a baby. Sausage, that is what I have been calling you for the last few weeks. My chubby little sausage. You were over ten pounds when we went to the doctors, 95 percentile for weight.
You smile now, all the time. You love when I sing you silly songs or make crazy faces at you. I love that you know who I am, your little chubby face lights up whenever I come into view. Daddy, well you're still not so sure of Daddy. He's silly and you laugh at him but its harder for him to comfort you. Though you do love when he gives you a bottle.
You love seeing your sister, she is one of the only things that can make you happy during diaper changes and waiting for Mom to come feed you. She holds toys and shakes them for you, making you giggle with excitement. Its amazing to watch the two of you interact together. I can't wait until you're old enough to actually play together.
I got an Ergo baby carrier for you this weekend, and my oh my how you love it. So much so, you barely woke up to eat while we were out and about with family. But thats okay, you're making sure to make up for the lack of eating now.
Which brings us to breastfeeding.
You're a champ. There is no messing around with you when you're hungry, like you hear of other babies doing. This is such a wonderful experience with you. We've had some bumps, but nothing a little effort didn't fix.

I love you baby girl, you are such a joy to our family.
Happy two months baby!

1 comment:

  1. Heeey :) It's krystal from FB/ll_violence_ll from lj. Following you on google, come follow me :P
